Project: Harris County Joint Processing Center
Owner: Harris County
Architect: PGAL
General Contractor: Clark/Horizon, A Joint Venture
Project: Pearland Public Safety Building
Owner: City of Pearland, Texas
Architect: Wilson Estes Police Architects
General Contractor: J.E. Dunn

Project: Pasadena Police Headquarters
Owner: City of Pasadena
Architect: Morris Architects
General Contractor: Manhattan Construction
Project: Polk County Judicial Center
Owner: Polk County
Architect: Hester & Sanders Architecture
General Contractor: J. E. Kingham Construction

Project: Walker County Jail
Owner: Walker County, Texas
Architect: Burns Architecture, LLC
General Contractor: Sedalco, Inc.
Project: 2250 Bed TDJC Stiles Unit*
Owner: Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice
Architect: HDR, Inc.
General Contractor: Manhattan Construction

Project: Baker Street Jail*
Owner: Harris County
Architect: Pierce, Goodwin, Alexander & Linville Architecture (PGAL)
General Contractor: Manhattan Construction
All photographs marked with an asterisk (*) were completed while working for previous employers under the direction of one or all of the officers of Camarata Masonry Systems, Ltd.
All photographs were taken by a Camarata Masonry Systems, Ltd. photographer or were obtained from the public domain.